PDF Standards BS 5131-4.4:1990
Methods of test for footwear and footwear materials. Other components-Heel pin holding strength of fibreboard
standard by BSI Group, 12/31/1990
Methods of test for footwear and footwear materials. Other components-Heel pin holding strength of fibreboard
standard by BSI Group, 12/31/1990
Specification. Envelopes for commercial, official and professional use (terms and sizes)
standard by BSI Group, 09/10/1970
Specification for improved inks for letterpress four-colour printing
standard by BSI Group, 05/01/1959
Specification for paint colours for building purposes
standard by BSI Group, 09/30/1981
Methods of test for ammonium sulphate
standard by BSI Group, 08/27/1964
Specification for general requirements for rotating electrical machines-Symbols
standard by BSI Group, 12/31/1981
Fire tests on building materials and structures. Fire propagation test for materials
standard by BSI Group, 01/31/1979
Recommendations for the determination of the compressibility of paper and board by the Bendtsen method
standard by BSI Group, 07/16/1970
Freight containers. Specification and testing of series 1 freight containers-Platform based containers, open-sided, with complete superstructure
standard by BSI Group, 06/30/1978
Textile machinery and accessories: healds, heald frames and reeds-Specification for twin wire healds with inset mail for Jacquard weaving
standard by BSI Group, 01/31/1983