PDF Standards AS ISO 9906:2018
Rotodynamic pumps – Hydraulic performance acceptance tests – Grades 1, 2 and 3
standard by Standards Australia, 02/22/2018
Rotodynamic pumps – Hydraulic performance acceptance tests – Grades 1, 2 and 3
standard by Standards Australia, 02/22/2018
Information technology – Database languages – SQL, Part 13: SQL Routines and Types Using the JavaTM Programming Language (SQL/JRT)
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2005
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems, Part 5.2: Safety requirements – Functional
standard by Standards Australia, 02/27/2013
General conditions of contract for the supply of equipment with or without installation (AS 2987-1987) – Together with form of formal instrument of agreement ( AS 2988-1987 )
standard by Standards Australia, 10/05/1987
Information technology – Multimedia content description interface, Part 11: MPEG-7 profile schemas
standard by Standards Australia, 03/10/2006
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems, Part 4: General requirements – Rating specifications for a.c. power drive systems above 1000 V a.c. and not exceeding 35 kV
standard by Standards Australia, 08/31/2007
Bridge design, Part 3: Foundations and soil-supporting structures – Commentary (Supplement to AS 5100.3-2004)
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2008
The storage and handling of corrosive substances
standard by Standards Australia, 07/28/2008
Work in compressed air and hyperbaric facilities – Hyperbaric oxygen facilities
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2002
Masonry structures – Commentary (Supplement to AS 3700-2001)
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2004