PDF Standards ANS 58.2-1980
Design Basis for Protection of Light Water Nuclear Power Plants Against the Effects of Postulated Pipe Rupture
standard by American Nuclear Society, 12/31/1980
Design Basis for Protection of Light Water Nuclear Power Plants Against the Effects of Postulated Pipe Rupture
standard by American Nuclear Society, 12/31/1980
Mobile Low-Level Radioactive Waste Processing Systems
standard by American Nuclear Society, 11/20/2009
Categorization of Nuclear Facility Structures, Systems, and Components for Seismic Design
standard by American Nuclear Society, 12/02/2004
Standard for Level 1/Large Early Release Frequency Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plant Applications – ANSI/ASME/ANS RA-S-1.1-2022
standard by American Nuclear Society, 05/31/2022
Nuclear Criticality Safety in the Storage of Fissile Materials
standard by American Nuclear Society, 05/06/2022
Guidelines for Estimating Present & Projecting Future Population Distributions Surrounding Nuclear Facility Sites
standard by American Nuclear Society, 03/16/2018
Radiation Protection at Research Reactor Facilities
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1993
Design Basis for Protection of Light Water Nuclear Power Plants Against the Effects of Postulated Pipe Rupture
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1988
Decommissioning of Research Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1994
Design Criteria for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (Water Pool Type)
standard by American Nuclear Society, 02/19/1981