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PDF Standards BS 3976:1966
Specification for capacity and performance of refrigerated farm milk tanks
standard by BSI Group, 02/08/1966
PDF Standards BS 4006:1987
Specification for hand-operated square drive socket wrenches and accessories
standard by BSI Group, 08/31/1988
PDF Standards BS 4040:1997
Specification for leaded petrol (gasoline) for motor vehicles
standard by BSI Group, 09/15/1997
PDF Standards BS 4076:1966
Specification for steel chimneys
standard by BSI Group, 08/31/1976
PDF Standards BS 410:1943
Specification for test sieves
standard by BSI Group, 10/23/1958
PDF Standards BS 4124:1991
Methods for ultrasonic detection of imperfections in steel forgings
standard by BSI Group, 02/28/1991
PDF Standards BS 4224:1967
Specification for yachtsmen's safety harnesses and safety lines
standard by BSI Group, 04/30/1979
PDF Standards BS 4229-1:1967
Recommendations for metric sizes of non-ferrous and ferrous bars.-Non-ferrous bars
standard by BSI Group, 06/08/1973
PDF Standards BS 4286-2:1970
Specification for steel ducting for grain and fodder conveying-Metric units
standard by BSI Group, 03/16/1970
PDF Standards BS 4289-1:1990
Methods for analysis of oilseeds-Preparation of test sample
standard by BSI Group, 11/30/1990